One of the best ways to experience growth in your life is when you’re connected with other men who are seeking after the same things as you. We believe that through FCC Men, you can develop a deeper connection with God, which will help you positively impact the lives of your family, friends, and even strangers.

We look forward to meeting you.



Monday Nights: FUEL

Fuel is a place where men can be real about life’s challenges, without judgement.


Tuesday Nights:
Men’s Bible Study

If you are looking to connect with other men at FCCHB and work through the Bible verse-by-verse for a deeper dive into scripture, this is the place for you. Please join us weekly on our campus from 6:30 - 8 p.m. on Tuesday nights. For meeting details, please call / text Duane Weiss at (714) 914-7023.


Campus Improvement

We are continually maintaining and improving the resources we have been given at FCCHB. If you are looking to leverage your DIY talents, we have a great opportunity to volunteer with our facilities management team. For more details, contact Robert Cerda at or 714.845.5318.